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Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts

May 16, 2015

Tony Ahn who at the start weighs over One-hundred twenty (120) Kilograms, plans to loose fourteen (14) lbs in ONE (1) week! In the video, he starts to take different measurements to help create a list of baselines to see his progress. After that, he showed off his wardrobe and we get to glimpse his motivation for doing this: He says that if you end up getting bigger and you decide to just buy even bigger clothes then that is giving in. It means that you are giving up on yourself and not even trying to fight for YOU! I agree. If you didn't fight for you then who will? I admire his determination.

He decided to lessen his intake with fasting. His rationale is based on the fact that whenever we eat carbohydrates it will turn into sugar and is used for fuel. When we run out of carbohydrates for fuel it is only then that the body uses other sources like body fat. So in theory, you could lose weight by letting your body burn more fat by lessening your carbohydrates! In addition, he cited a study he found that during his weight loss it is estimated that he would lose three (3) grams of muscle per one (1) Kilogram of fat lost! THAT IS A WORTHY TRADE OFF!

A week after, we see him weigh in and he lost a little over Six (6) Kilograms. He also redid the measurements and compared it to his baseline and he lost significant inches off. Although he knows he has a long way to go it would seem that he is pretty determined to maintain losing the Six (6) Kilograms for the coming weeks.

My gripes are that I wish we could see more of his routine for the week that helped him shave off that fourteen (14) Pounds and that I would also like a little more insight to inside his body. I wish that we could see a medical exam and medical laboratory work up for a better insight into what is happening inside his body. 

I personally struggled with my weight for years. I would succeed in losing weight then I would be complacent and gain it all again. I would then go into a vicious cycle over the years. We call this rubber banding. It was then that I decided that I would lose it and ever gain it again. I would have to work harder and lessen the pleasure from indulging into too much food.

I salute Tony and I hope this inspires more people to do something about their own struggles!

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